Sorority Recruitment Tips

Keep reading below the graphic for more details!

Get your work done ahead of time: Recruitment is a major time commitment, as is Greek Life in general. A lot of the enjoyment will be taken out of your recruitment experience if you are stressing about all of the homework you need to get done. Utilize your time management skills to get your work done before rounds begin so you won’t have to worry about it during or after.

Don’t stress: Recruitment can be nerve wrecking, but don’t let that ruin your fun. Keep in mind that the girls you are talking to may be just as nervous! They want you to like them just as much as you want them to like you. Use this as common ground to start forming a relationship with the girls you are getting to know.

Keep an open mind: It’s easy to go into recruitment thinking you have it all figured out. In the time you’ve spent on campus, you have probably started to form impressions of the chapters based on things that you’ve observed and things other people have told you. You may think you have already made your decision, but going into recruitment with your heart set on a specific chapter can be extremely detrimental! You do not have to join a chapter because it is the one your friend likes. You do not have to join a chapter because your mom was a member of it. The chapter you choose should be the one that is best for you. Keep an open mind going into each chapter and you may be surprised by what you find on the other side of the door.

Be yourself: Do not put on a front and tell chapters what you think they want to hear. The right chapter will love you for who you are! Recruitment is all about the connection you feel with the girls you meet. If you aren’t being yourself throughout the recruitment process, you will not end up in the chapter that’s right for you.

Ask questions: You are deciding which chapter is the best fit for you, and you need a lot of information to figure that out. Do not be afraid to ask questions! The girls you are talking to will be happy to address any concerns you have or clarify anything you are confused about. The Greek system can seem pretty foreign to someone before they are involved in it, so no question is a stupid question.

Take notes: After taking in endless information about seven different chapters and talking to countless girls from each, things can get a little bit confusing. Taking the time to jot down a few notes in between parties or at the end of each round is definitely worthwhile.   Mark down the names of the girls you talked to from each chapter and what you talked to them about- you may run into them again in a later round so it’s nice to try to remember who they are! Make note of what you liked and didn’t like about each chapter. All of this information will aid you in your final decision.

Utilize your SRCs: They gave up their letters to help you find yours. Not only have your Sorority Recruitment Counselors been trained to answer your questions and assist you in making your decision, but they also have gone through this same experience. Your SRCs will understand what you are going through and they will do anything they can to make this process easier for you.

Focus on what is important to you: When it comes down to it, the surface-level information doesn’t mean everything. The letters, symbols, mascot, and colors do not make a sorority- the sisters do. Rather than focusing on chapter trivia, you should focus on the conversations you have, the connections you form, and the overall feeling you get from each chapter.

Be respectful to each chapter: As recruitment progresses, it may become clear that a chapter is not the right fit for you. You should still give these women the respect they deserve when you enter their homes. Continue to show an interest in the conversations you hold. You do not have to mislead them or say things you think that they want like to hear. Even if these women do not become your sisters, they are a part of the same Greek community and can still be your friends!

Remember that everything happens for a reason: While the process may be overwhelming, and things may not work out in the way that you expect them to, recognize that everything happens for a reason and wherever you end up is where you are supposed to be!

We hope these tips helped to make you feel more prepared for this week!  We are so looking forward to meeting you!

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